To offer a complete solution,
Vastcom Network provides hosting and development services for
our clients' web sites:
Large and easy to use web
sites design |
Virtual domain and dedicated
web server hosting |
Web pages and web site
hosting |
Domain name registration
Main search engine
registration |
Link to other web sites
Full-motion video
Audio streams
Web statistics
Image scanning and graphic
design |
Animated graphics and icons
Web Pages That Sizzle!
Vastcom can help you put together your home page and create home
pages that are hot! We can help you create the graphics and
layout to enhance your corporate image. Home pages provide you
with a means to stay in touch with your clients and create new
business. We will also help you promote awareness of your home
Web Pages With Visibility
Having set up a home page, Vastcom will host it on one of our
Internet servers so that it is accessible to the Internet
community. We will also monitor the number of hits that your
home page is getting and create monthly reports for you.
Virtual Domain Hosting
Vastcom will help you set up your own domain so that you will
have an identity on the Internet and make it easy for people to
find you. (A domain is part of a URL that belongs to you, such
as 'vastcom.net'.) Within the domain you can create web sites,
e-mail addresses or other types of services.
Let Your Company Be Heard!
Introducing your company World Wide Web:
Brings new and exciting ways to communicate with the world
through new advertising paradigm |
Opens up new market place where traditional advertising cannot
penetrate |
Turns the current advertising from `push' to `pull', adding the
power of information to the traditional hype-based advertising
Integrates the world of advertising with the world of
technologies and global communications |
Provides turnkey solutions to advertising companies and direct
sales organizations |
We provide different web hosting service packages to suit your
business needs: